Online Anxiety and Stress Therapy in Boston and across Massachusetts

Anxiety and Stress Therapy

I can’t afford any mistakes at work. If one thing goes wrong, there goes my reputation.”


Saying 'no' feels impossible when I’m afraid of missing out on opportunities or letting someone down.”


The expectation to be 'always on' is exhausting. I just want a moment to breathe.”


Sound familiar?

I see you.

Ambitious. Motivated. Driven. Type A Personality. Overachiever.

Those are supposed to be positive things, right?

You’ve worked hard to be successful. You filled the sticker charts, aced the tests, got the jobs, and checked off the boxes on the official “List of Life Accomplishments” that you started crafting when you were a kid.

Now, navigating your day feels like stepping onto a minefield.

The morning brings…

  • A flood of notifications demanding your attention and a response before the work day begins.

  • Feelings of anxiety as you mentally race through your to-do list, realize that you’re running late, and decide to skip breakfast again.

Your days are…

  • A whirlwind of multitasking through interruptions and last-minute changes as you try to stay present and maintain an image of perfection.

  • Filled with relentless pressure to excel.

At the end of the day…

  • It feels impossible to balance household tasks, reconnecting with loved ones, and maybe even time for self-care.

  • Your attempts to unwind are constantly disrupted by work messages, lingering incomplete tasks, and that nagging inner critic suggesting that you’re not doing enough.

Late at night…

  • You’re exhausted but you can’t sleep. Your mind races with today's accomplishments and tomorrow’s to-do list.

  • The glow of your phone illuminates the room as you check emails, ensuring that you don’t miss anything.

  • You’re torn between getting ahead on work, researching a new idea, or staying up too late to mindlessly scroll social media - and wondering how everyone else has time to do fun things, let alone post about them.

From the outside, it looks like you have it all together. But the constant pressure of trying to meet your own high standards and be everything to everyone has left you feeling unhappy and unfulfilled.

And maybe even a bit lonely.

As you struggle to quiet your racing thoughts, you realize that you’ve lost sight of yourself and what truly matters to you.

Stress and Anxiety Weren’t Part of the Plan

Stress and anxiety are like invisible burdens that add weight to every step, making even the simplest task seem monumental.

This is especially true for sensitive or neurodivergent women.

Stress and anxiety can create an emotional distance in relationships. You might avoid conflict and hide your feelings to keep the peace - but this often leads to increased tension, resentment, and more stress.

You might find yourself avoiding activities you once enjoyed because they seem like additional “to-dos” on an already overwhelming list of tasks and demands.

Perhaps you prioritize others' needs over your own and feel guilty about taking time for yourself. Anxiety and stress can trigger a relentless inner critic, constantly bombarding you with negative self-talk. 

What if life didn’t have to be so stressful?

What if you could end each day feeling balanced and fulfilled?

Anxiety and Stress Therapy Can Help

Reclaim Balance

We’ll reconnect with your core values and I’ll support you in creating a work-life balance that allows time for self-care. We’ll embrace opportunities for meaningful goals that align with your values. 

Release Perfection

Together, we’ll redefine your definition of success, moving toward a realistic and fulfilling measure of achievement. We’ll work toward fostering self-compassion and reducing the pressure to be flawless.

Improve Coping Skills

We’ll work together to develop strategies to empower you to manage anxiety at home, at work, and in relationships. We may focus on boosting self-esteem, improving communication skills, or establishing healthy boundaries.

How I Work

I use a person-centered, strengths-based, neurodiversity-affirming approach to therapy for anxiety and stress management. This means that we’ll work together to create a therapeutic space where you can feel seen, heard, and empowered to navigate your unique challenges.

We’ll work together to explore the root causes of your stress and anxiety, develop personalized coping strategies to manage overwhelming thoughts and emotions, and achieve a healthier work-life balance.

We’ll explore mindfulness practices, relaxation skills, communication skills, and executive functioning skills to help you navigate difficult situations with greater resilience. My goal is to empower you to gain insight, build skills, and make meaningful changes in your life.

You deserve to spend less time feeling anxious and stressed, and more time living a life that you truly enjoy.

Anxiety and Stress Therapy can help you:

  • Learn strategies to manage stress and anxiety 

  • Create a work-life balance that leaves you feeling fulfilled

  • Strengthen connections with the people who matter most to you 

  • Release the fear of not meeting unrealistic expectations and let go of negative self-talk

  • Clarify values and pursue meaningful goals that bring a sense of purpose and fulfillment

You deserve to live a more peaceful life.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Anxiety and stress are often confused, but they have distinct differences. Anxiety is a feeling of persistent worry, often about future events and the uncertainty of their outcome. Stress usually stems from external triggers like conflicts or deadlines, which typically resolve over time.

  • Everyone experiences anxiety and stress from time to time. However, if anxiety or stress is getting in the way at home, at work, in your relationships, or in other areas, then it may be time to seek support.

  • Each person's therapy experience is unique, tailored to their specific needs, circumstances, and goals. We will work together throughout the treatment process and develop a plan that works best for you.

  • Navigate to the Contact page or click the green button below to schedule a free, no-obligation 15-minute consultation.